At the heart of every successful manufacturing endeavor lies a seamless dance of precision, coordination, and efficiency. This orchestration, known as manufacturing logistics, is the linchpin that binds the intricacies of production, distribution, and delivery into a harmonious symphony of value creation. As industries evolve, technologies advance and customer expectations shift, mastering the art of manufacturing logistics has become imperative for organizations aspiring to achieve operational excellence and stand resilient in the face of complexity.
The author counts with +35 years of multinational, multi-industry, executive experience in supply chain management and has put together +160 pages of hard acquired knowledge that can easily be put in practice in any organizational environment.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: The Crucial Role of Manufacturing Logistics
Chapter 2: Foundations of Manufacturing Logistics
Chapter 3: Manufacturing Logistics Process
Chapter 4: Lean Manufacturing and Just-In-Time (JIT) Practices
Chapter 5: Production Planning and Scheduling
Chapter 6: Supply Chain Integration in Manufacturing
Chapter 7: Technology and Automation in Manufacturing Logistics
Chapter 8: Distribution and Transportation Strategies
Chapter 9: Inventory Management and Warehousing
Chapter 10: Sustainability and Green Manufacturing Logistics
and more
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